Wednesday, November 09, 2005

i bElieVe i cAn flY!

It was this phrase from an oft heard song that flit through my mind, yesterday morning, when I was brushing my teeth. It was preceded by a series of rather random and seemingly unconnected thoughts, each of which surprisingly developed from the previous! And as I brushed, looking at myself in the mirror, with the bright sunlight coming in through the veneered window to my right, I just wished I could fly.... And then, all of a sudden, the phrase hooked itself very deeply in my mind - and I realized what it meant to be able to fly.
The exhiliration came from the fact that rather than just 'thinking' the words, I imagined the reality of it and suddenly for that brief moment I was transferred into the realms of a child's world.... I actually imagined something impossible to be possible. Oh what a wonderful feeling that was! How long back was it, that I'd felt this optimism? Such excitement and happiness that only emits from the naive and nascent imaginations of a child.... And thankfully, I was privy to it!
The cynic inside me reads this piece and wonders - God! Have I lost it... the Child within, smiles with delight at this reaction! Little Keerat did it! She finally came out from under layers and layers of adulthood and its experiences and gave me a peek into her mind!

I felt I could fly..... :)


Blogger Obi Wan said...

Of course we can fly, it's just about learning the right technique, and letting yourself go. For details, pls refer to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! Btw, what floor is your room on? :-)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005 10:05:00 AM  

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