tHe beGinNing
Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start..... :)
Hmmm... its my second attempt at writing a blog, but to be honest - my first serious one! So lets hope we see this site blossoming under the able and sustained guidance of this pondering mind :) [ignore the 's' in the url, it was added to get this required url! the helplesness of us mere mortals against technology!]
This blog is going to be a serious attempt in listing down thoughts and ideas, emotions and desires that continously keep flashing through this mind, but vanish just as quickly. It's an attempt to sort those thoughts out and to lead them to a meaningful conclusion. Amen! :)
After a gazillion breaks, due to 'urgent' [??] interventions by colleagues / work mates, I've finally managed these two paras! And I guess, that's it for the day!
Cheers to a great weekend!
Bhelcome bhelcome to the blogging community! I am sure this stint of yours will be much more successful than your first one! Will post something meaningful later :-)
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